A series of events that began in December 2010 was a catalyst, heightening our awareness that the wheels of global change are rolling faster. It was deemed the "Arab Spring." A fitting term, as Spring, the season of Aries energy, which sets things in motion, is a time when new growth and change become evident for all to see, when the forces that lay dormant can no longer be contained in their constrictive casings and push their way up from the darkness into the light of day toward the Source of their being, the Sun. Uprisings are surfacing the world over, more recently, with the Occupy Wall Street movement that started in 2011 gained momentum in the US. What began as a few thousand individuals fed up with untenable inequalities in the economic climate, setting up camp on Wall Street, spread to numerous cities large and small throughout our country and others. In 2017, the election of Donald Trump to the presidency and the policies he and his cabinet are attempting to enact have caused a groundswell of protest and activism unseen in recent history. Revolution is at hand. In this sense revolution implies, “the overthrow and replacement of a government or political system by those governed; an extensive or drastic change in condition.” Our current political system is ostensibly set up to do just that. We call these free and democratic elections. By purging it every two or four years, the opportunity is there to keep the system running clean. The process, were it actually implemented the way it was intended, would ensure against complacency and stagnancy, which, as we have seen amplified in during the Obama administration, is running rampant, and clogging up the system so completely that it has brought our government to a standstill. Where there is stagnancy, there is no movement; where there is no movement, there is decay. Where there is decay, there is suffering. The system has been corrupted from the inside. “Something is rotten in Denmark.” As with the great tragedies of Theatre, the state of the state affects all, from the loftiest to the lowliest. As with these dramas, the protagonists are always the last to understand that they are the source of the problem, and ultimately of their own undoing. Generally, their enlightenment comes only moments before their eventual demise. They finally reap the fruits of the seeds, which they alone have sown. What I’d like to suggest here is that the upheaval we are now experiencing is a natural progression, a part of a larger “cycle of successive events or changes” that is affecting the entire planet as it goes through the process of evolution. The planet Earth is a Being, just as are you and I. She is in the process of evolving from the 3rd and 4th dimensions toward the 5th. The 3rd dimension is characterized as a state in which the realities of Time and Space are perceived by most to be static, linear and limited. This new dimension we are entering, or have already entered, more accurately, is one in which we understand the 4th dimension of Time/Space to be fluid and infinite. Our current technology, in the form of the World Wide Web, computer clouds, and numerous other innovations, reflects the awareness that everything in the universe is energy in vibration, light and information, intimately connected in a grid-like matrix that is continually being impacted by those observing it. The creators of this technology are beginning to realize what the ancient wisdom traditions readily grasped that not only are we the creation, but we have the same power to create as the Creator. This recognition was at first slow to surface, as it went against the reigning status quo, but it is springing forth in new modes from all quarters. Science has come to this understanding, beginning with such revolutionary concepts as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, and researchers continue to make further discoveries as to the nature of the ever-expanding co-creative universe. They are not revealing anything new; they are merely assigning new labels, using new words to describe what the ancients have been telling us for millennia. This revolution in Science may more accurately be labeled an evolution in which the realms of science and spirituality, two seemingly disparate disciplines, are realizing more and more that they have been seeking the same answers using different means, and reporting back on their findings using different languages. What we are witnessing is a balancing of seeming opposites. In actuality, they are two faces of the same coin. One is seeking answers to the origins and nature of the universe through external means, and the other through internal ones. Eventually, the two poles will meet in the middle at their Source. What is now befalling the major institutions in our country and those of others around the world is a reflection of the revolution of the Greater Cycle, the Wheel of Karma, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. The staggering National Debt we are burdened with, as well as the debt many individuals carry mirror a larger Karmic Debt that is now being settled. We too, both individually and collectively, are reaping what we have sown. It all comes down to creating balance. Energy has been released and it is finally coming home to roost. Each action we take can be seen as a pebble being dropped in a pool of water. Waves of energy move out from that central point concentrically. That energy will eventually make contact with a near or distant shore and return to us, in kind. Our intent underlying the cause determines the nature of the effect. How much Karma we have accrued over our vast number of lifetimes that remains unbalanced will determine how quickly we receive the effect of that initial cause. If there is little Karmic debt, the effect will return quickly. We call this Instant Karma. If one has a great amount of unresolved Karma, the wave goes out, but the effect must queue up behind all of the previous karmic actions, and wait its turn to be balanced. Depending on what the energy wave bumps into along the way, distortion may occur as well. This is often why when something happens in our lives, seemingly for no reason, we are left mystified. We can’t figure out what we could have done to deserve this. This can explain why so called bad things happen to good people. It really has nothing to do with good and bad, however. Universal Justice is blind. There is no judgment. Like gravity, what goes up must come down; what goes around comes around. It is the Law of the Universe. Card number 10 in the Tarot is The Wheel of Fortune, ruled by Jupiter, referred to as The Greater Fortune. The Hebrew letter attributed to this card is Kaph, which means “a curve.” The number 10 is related to a mode of consciousness called Resplendent Intelligence, which implies an unlimited outpouring of the Vital Life Force of the I AM PRESENCE, or Higher Self, that aspect of ourselves that is eternally connected to Source or God. In esoteric teachings Resplendent Intelligence is said to have its seat in Understanding. We could see this time of great upheaval, when all seems to be turning upside down, as the huge learning curve we as a human race are going through in this school we call life. We are preparing to graduate to the next level. In essence, we are advancing from 3rd to 5th grade. You could say we are skipping 4th grade, the realm in which Time is introduced as a dimensional factor in the creation of Space-Time. We have now moved beyond these limitations. With this evolution, we are being given the opportunity to develop a consciousness of Mastery, where we gain the understanding of the true nature of who we are. We are emerging from the bondage of a limiting consciousness into an awareness of what Master Teacher, Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi calls our “Divinity in manifestation in action.” Our core essence is Vital Life Force Energy. C.S. Lewis so clearly saw this when he stated, “ You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” Jupiter, the planet attributed to the Hebrew letter Kaph, is called the Lord of Fortune, and, quite fittingly, rules bankers, judges, theologians, religious dignitaries, and other heads of institutions, presumably men and women who have a firm understanding of the principles underlying their respective institutions, as well as how to fairly implement them in their realms of operation and expertise. Ironically, it is in these same institutions that we now see the misuse and abuse of such knowledge and power is leading to their destruction. For thousands of years the focus in the East has leaned toward gaining the riches of spiritual enlightenment, at the expense, it could be said, of the more mundane aspects of human existence, while in the West the focus was directed toward gaining material wealth to the detriment of our spiritual growth and wellbeing. Yet over the past several decades, technology and industry are growing exponentially throughout Asia, as more attention is placed on economic expansion than on spiritual expansion, and China has now become the wealthiest nation on the planet, while its populous is not free to openly practice their spirituality. Conversely, the nations of the West see their political, religious, and financial institutions crumbling, while their citizens are gradually waking up, and listening to the call of their souls to emerge from the bonds of greed and consumption. The pendulum has swung the opposite way. Eventually, it will again settle out in the middle. How, when all seems in a state of chaos, do we find our way back to the middle? We turn within. At the center of any wheel is a hub, around which the wheel turns on its axis. Within this hub is a void, an empty space into which the axis penetrates. We, like the planet Earth, are revolving around a central point of attraction. That central axis is the Sun, which sustains all life on this planet. Our point of attraction just happens to be within us. At this time, we are being called upon to foment our own personal revolution. Instead of running in circles, chasing after some perceived, yet fleeting, happiness in the external, we are now challenged to turn our focus inward. I say challenged, because all that we once believed to be stable on the outside, those things we could depend on in the material are being rent from us, leaving us with nowhere else to turn but within. Our evolution as individuals and as a race of humans depends on it. The upheaval we are experiencing is resistance to this change. Our suffering is a result of resistance to our expansion. The more tightly we cling to all that we have known, or rather, believed to be our support and sustenance, the more difficult will be our passage. We wouldn’t want to stay in 3rd grade forever would we? We must progress, and that means leaving behind all we have outgrown and all that no longer serves our greater good as a planet. There are those who would hold us back. They fear the unknown. They have grown accustomed to running fast and furiously on the hamster wheel of their existence, chasing after some illusive goal of happiness. They are running themselves ragged and getting nowhere, because ultimately there is nowhere to go, and nothing to do. We must move from the outer rim of the spinning wheel to the hub, to the eye of the storm, to the center where it is still. This space at center is a portal, a doorway that opens in. When we turn inwardly we stand on the threshold of the Infinite. It is here we connect to our Source, the axis around which we revolve. This axis like the axle of a car is the straight and narrow, and what propels us forward in our spiritual evolution. It is the path of the Heart. When we embark on the Journey to Center, we must first discover, next unlock, and then open the door of the Heart, the gateway that connects the lower 3 chakras, associated with the material, to the upper three, the spinning vortices of energy associated with the higher realms of consciousness, of spiritual power, sight, and knowing. But what does this key look like that will open the door of the heart, and where will we find it? The search got underway from the moment we entered this physical form. And we have been tricked into believing it could only be found outside of ourselves. So we have been mistakenly seeking it in the other, and even in material goods. However, we have had it backwards. It has been closer than we ever have imagined, and accessible all along. Instead of looking without, we have only to look within. We have the key; we have had it all the time, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. It is who we are at our essence. The only key that will open the door to the Infinite is LOVE, because that is its essence. God is LOVE. We are LOVE. LOVE is at the heart of this inner revolution, and the only means of restoring balance. As we free our minds from the tyranny and limitation of duality, all sense of separation will cease. New growth will spring forth, as we loose the chains that have bound us to the wheel of Karma. LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE, the true nature of our essence, will be our gift to ourselves, and to all of humanity.
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Katrin Naumann worked for 20 years as a Theatre Artist, both behind the scenes as a Costume and Scenic Designer, and on stage, film and TV, as an Actor. She has been a lifelong adventurer on the path of Self discovery, which has led to her current role as Director of Inner Balance Life Works. Her holistic healing practice focuses on offering pathways toward (R)evolutionary Self Transformation. Katrin serves the community as an Energy Healer, Intuitive Spiritual Guide, Qigong & Yoga Instructor, Author, Public Speaker, and Workshop Creatrix. Archives
February 2018
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